Shop Smart

Eating well starts at the store! Shop smart is the final concept of Kids Eat Right Month. Take these tips with you the next time you head to the grocery or market!

  • Meal plan-never go to the grocery store without a plan! Choose one day of the week to be your meal planning day for the following week. Sit down and make a list of recipes for dinner and staples for breakfast, lunch and snacks.
  • Grocery list-once you have decided your meals for the week, write down all of the ingredients you will need. This will keep you from buying unwanted items. And of course never go to the grocery hungry!
  • Cut coupons-groceries can get expensive- take advantage of local store coupons and discounts.
  • Buy in bulk-stock up on things you use each week- like bread, veggies or fruits. All of these items can be frozen for later use!
  • Use the freezer-when fruits and veggies are on sale take advantage and throw them in the freezer
  • Buy in season-fruits and veggies are at their best when they are in season (and at their cheapest).
  • Take advantage of local farmer’s markets-it’s the season for farmer’s markets! Get local produce, herbs and goods from farmer’s in your area. You will be saving money and supporting your community!

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